
Welcome to In-tegration

Have you immigrated to Canada or are you considering doing so? Do you work for an organization that aims to facilitate the integration of people who immigrate to Canada? Are you a researcher whose research interests include the strategies and challenges associated with integrating newcomers to Canada?

Welcome to In-tegration!

Immigration is a change that transforms the lives of those who immigrate by making them evolve through the process of integration.

To integrate is to participate. In this research, integration is defined as participating actively in Canadian society in various ways.

Since it is now almost impossible to participate fully in social and professional life without using the Internet, this platform offers a space for people involved in the integration process to connect and network. It is intended to be a resource for sharing information and useful tools.

This online space offers:

  • support for people who have immigrated or who are planning to immigrate to Canada in order to help them get established in their adopted country, understand social codes, and succeed in their in-tegration.
  • a space for disseminating relevant resources that respond to the needs of people who have immigrated, while also increasing the visibility of various organizations and services, accompanying both the organizations and the newcomers in their different in-tegration processes.

The project is the culmination of research conducted by communications students under the direction of researchers Magda Fusaro and Christian Agbobli.

This platform, funded by the Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA), is the result of research led by the UNESCO Chair in Communication and Technologies for Development of UQAM and the Groupe d’études et de recherches axées sur la communication internationale et interculturelle (GERACII).